Hospital Bag Checklist

Being confined to a hospital can be nerve-racking, but something as innocuous-sounding as having the stuff you need in your bag could help ease some of that. This was a checklist that ensures you have everything.


  • Identification and Documents
  • Health insurance card
  • Forms for the hospital (pre-registration forms, birth plan, etc.)
  • ID card or driver’s license

For the Parent…

  • Clothing
  • A Pair of Comfortable Pajamas or Nightgown
  • Slippers and non-slip socks
  • Robe or cardigan
  • Bras—for nursing (if needed) and panties.
  • Comfort casual day outfits
  • Toiletries
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hairbrush and hair ties
  • Insert image of 3-1 — shampoo, conditioner and body wash
  • Deodorant and face cleanser
  • Lip balm and lotion
  • Glasses or contact lenses with solution and case
  • Other Essentials
  • Phone and charger
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Reusable water bottle
  • For fun: books, magazines or a tablet
  • Earplugs and an eyes mask for a better sleeping
  • Your very own pillow or blanket to stay comfy

For the Baby

  • Clothing
  • Onesies or baby sleepers
  • Socks and mittens
  • Hat for warmth
  • Going-home outfit
  • Essentials
  • Baby blanket
  • Nappies and wipes (the hospital generally provides these, but it’s best to have some too)
  • Baby Lotion/Diaper Creams etc.

For the Partner or Support Person

  • Clothing
  • Casual and bed wear
  • Extra socks and underwear
  • Essentials
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Entertainment (Book/Magazines)
  • Toothbrush, deodorant etc.
  • Phone and charger

Optional Items

  • Comfort Items
  • Massage oil or lotion
  • Birthing stool (call hospital to confirm)
  • Miscellaneous
  • List of people to notify
  • Set of camera to take special moments

    With this checklist, you can rest easy knowing that the details about your hospitalization is all ready for, then spend more time on what ican truly important. Safe and happy delivery!

Preparing Your Home for After the Hospital Stay

While packing your hospital bag is critical, it’s also important to get at least SOMETHING in order back home! Keep things running smoothly when you bring your new family member from home with these tips:

Set Up a Resting Area

Prepare a cosy rest corner for the parent and baby Make sure you get a hold of useful items, such as diapers, wipes,sugar pot clothes and feeders The first couple of weeks are much easier with a quiet spot to love, feed or change diapers in the middle of night.

Stock Up on Supplies

Prepare meals ahead of your hospital visit, grocery shopping or picking up toiletries / cleaning products for the house. This preparation will cut down on the shopping you need to do in those early days, so your focus can stay where it should be: healing and bonding with baby.

Plan Simple Meals

Why not cook ahead and freeze or set up a meal train with friends & family to help cater for you! Easy to grab and eat food cannot be understated when you find yourself in the postpartum period with little to no energy.

Arrange for Help

That said, do not be shy to ask your family and friends for help during those first couple weeks at home. Having that extra hand to help feed, clean the house, keep you company or just carry the baby while you nap truly does make a difference.

Infant Safety Measures

Create a safe environment for the baby by putting in place safety measures at home. This could mean making sure the furniture is secure, putting protectors over electrical outlets and eliminating potential dangers. Quality living at home gives you peace of mind and makes it easy to entertain your new family member.

Integrating these home preparations with the packed hospital bag will make for a smooth transition into parenting.


Oops, I Forgot to Bring a Really Important Thing to the Hospital… Now What?

Even if you forget to pack something, no big deal! All hospitals should have some suggestions for toiletries and a couple of baby products. Needless to say, you can always have a pal bring some additional things if necessary.

Skyler: How many changes of clothes for the baby?

You should have two full outfits packed for your new baby. Diapers, onesies, mittens, hats and socks are a part of their basic essentials. But remember, the hospital will usually have some clothes and swaddling blankets available during your stay.

Should I pack the baby’s diapers and wipes?

Most hospitals have diapers and wipes for your baby while you are there. But you could pack a few in your hospital bag for the ride home or if you have preferred brands.

Hospital Stay: Can the Partner/ Support Person Overnight?

The new trend is that hospitals are starting to allow someone stay the night with you, but check details of hospital policy on if this applies specifically at your facility. It can be useful to have some overnight kits on hand, just in case they will need it.

Do I really need to pack snacks for the hospital?

Hospitals do bring meals to the patient, but when they have their own snacks its great for between meal times or if hunger strikes in the middle of night. It is also handy for the partner (or support person), as well, who may not be given hospital meals.

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